Global Youth Coalition
The Global Youth Coalition for OneShared.World is a community dedicated to recognizing the mutual obligations of interdependence.
This is a place for young people who want to systematically shift the direction of our world, from their own communities to the global level.
It is a home for people who wish to integrate the best minds of humanity, bridge divides, and rise together towards a brighter future. Together, we continuously learn how to make our vision a reality through each moment of our lives, our personal careers, and our chapters.
We are re-writing the vision of the future, because leading the 21st century starts now. Ready to take your place and rise together?
Join Us
Regional Chapters
The Regional Chapter Leader is ideal for an individual looking to cause positive change at the macro-level. Grow networks, foster collaboration, and coordinate a GYC system in your local region. Previous experience with outreach, network engagement, or organizational planning is recognized. Apply here.
Local Chapters
The Local Chapter Leader is ideal for an individual with strong roots in their community who wishes to leave a legacy of personal impact and lasting change. Gather a team, craft an ethos, and explore your collective potential to impact the world today. No experience needed — By applying, you access a comprehensive chapter guide and one-on-one support from GYC leadership. Apply here or share the link with a friend!
Topical Chapters
The Global Youth Coalition is currently establishing a LGBTQ+ topical chapter which can be joined from anywhere in the world. If you would like to join this chapter or establish a topical chapter of your own, please reach out to GYC Leadership by contacting us here.
Learn More
Chapters have a clear-cut mission: to learn and teach how a deep appreciation of interdependence can enhance our lives, communities, institutions, countries, and world — and the mutual obligations that come along with it. Within this role, members have an abundance of creative agency — projects, initiatives, and collaborations are yours to start, to be determined by your personal strengths and passions. Our vision is transformative in nature, global in scope, and achieved through a dedicated commitment to local action.
As a member of the Global Youth Coalition, you will develop the skills of an expert mover-and-shaker through active engagement with your community, collaborating with countless groups, and educational training
Most importantly of all, by starting or joining a chapter, you are joining a network of visionary youth from around the world. You will be exposed to new perspectives, ideas, and experiences; all the while sharing the same mission. Simultaneously, you will be connected to the resources of the greater OneShared.World community: industry leaders, global summits, toolkits, and much more.
Global Youth Coalition Presence and Leadership
Kenya (details soon)
India: Krea University, India
- Email:
- Name: Arnav Jalan
Turkey (details soon)
Philippines (details soon)
LGBTQ+ (details soon)
Director, Samuel Stone —
Assistant Director, Alex Watson —
Chapter Launch Guides
“Laptop sticker” photo by Ian on Unsplash (sticker by Jamie Douglas)
“Studying” photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash
“Spreadsheet” photo by NESA by Makers on Unsplash

About OneShared.World
OneShared.World is a social movement and political force of people around the world who recognize the mutual obligations of our interdependence with each other and our shared ecosystem. Our goal is to drive real and meaningful change in practices, structures, systems, and outcomes ensuring tangible progress toward solving our biggest common problems and addressing our greatest collective needs.
These principles have been developed to provide members of the OneShared.World global community with a strong, common purpose and direction. They serve as a foundation for our relationships with each other and the actions we take in the world.
Our Four Core Principles are a guide for members of the OneShared.World community to ensure our actions and potential actions are aligned for the greater good.
Of the things we think, say or do:
- We strive to be honest, fair, transparent, and respectful of all people.
- The things we do will adequately reflect the mutual obligations of our interdependence.
- We will always respect and honor diversity.
- We aim to build a better future for everyone and our shared home.
Who We Are
Where we come from
Declaration of Interdependence
OneShared.World Global Youth Coalition
Getting started
Registration is simple, quick, and essential. By registering, you gain access to the resources and support of the OneShared.World community. This will connect you to the informational materials required to start spreading the value of interdependence. If you haven’t done so already, fill out the registration form.
When you have registered your group, you will be contacted by the OSW Chapter Coordinators to set up a brief meeting. In addition to receiving more information and materials for launching your chapter, you will be invited to join our official LinkedIn group. If you do not have LinkedIn set-up, your Chapter Coordinators can help you get started!
Find a teacher, professor, or faculty member whose interests tie into interdependence and global issues. Tell them about OneShared.World and ask them to be a part of your group. A faculty advisor is required for a group to be recognized by many college institutions, and they can also help you interact with your institution’s administration, connect with professionals, and recruit members.
Getting recognized by your institution helps with organizing events, advertising, raising money, and more. Each institution has different rules for this process, so work with your advisor to navigate these steps. If your institution has an office of student life and activities or a similar group in charge of student clubs, this can be a great place to start.
Reach out to your network and recruit your friends. An executive board typically consists of 4-5 members aside from yourself. When building this core group, consider people’s talents, availability, and level of interest. GYC chapters have nearly infinite potential in terms of what can be accomplished. Build a team of dynamic, creative, and energized students and your chapter will be prepared to take off.
Whether it is virtual or in-person, your first meeting is the official launch date of your chapter. Pick a date, time, and medium that is accessible to the most people, and start promoting early. Postering, chalking, and social media are all highly effective ways to get the word out that can be done with social-distancing. When considering how to spread the word, think about why you are starting this chapter. For many people, this will be the first time being introduced to the concept of interdependence. Can you show how interdependence affects their everyday life?
OneShared.World Global Youth Coalition
Understanding the Mission
Along with the greater OneShared.World community, our mission is to generate an active, global voice to address the mismatch between all peoples’ essential rights and common needs, and the shortcomings of our leaders and institutions.
As chapters are tied to educational institutions and vibrant student bodies, chapters have three top priorities: education, outreach, and collaboration.
EDUCATION is the core foundation of our work. In addition to introducing many people to the concept of interdependence for this first time, chapters strive to teach how a deep appreciation of interdependence can enhance our lives, communities, institutions, countries, and world. The goal of this education is not just to raise awareness, but to teach people how they can support interdependence throughout their whole career. At the macro level, you are laying the building blocks to create entire generations of people dedicated to interdependence. Your chapter can access resources prepared by the OneShared.World community to facilitate educational programming and discussions.
OUTREACH is the never-ending mission of our lives, and is intrinsically linked to education regarding interdependence. For chapters, outreach will be focused on recruitment, local engagement, and raising Pledge signatures.Your chapter will be connected to resources and best practices discovered around the world.
COLLABORATION is the golden standard of our chapters. There are countless clubs, organizations, and community leaders in and around our institutions. Our chapters can connect multiple groups together, teach new populations about interdependence, and learn from the expertise of different organizations. There is a massive room for collaboration and creativity for every chapter of the GYC.
OneShared.World Global Youth Coalition
Understanding the Network
The Global Youth Coalition is just one branch of the OneShared.World community. The GYC is composed of secondary and higher-education student groups from around the world, each with the autonomy to set their own agenda. However, there are a few projects all chapters share so that we can maximize our collective impact.
Each chapter is responsible for producing a chapter report by the end of their academic term. This report should include the chapter’s progress on our major goals (listed below), events held, reports or other local projects, and more! This report serves two important functions:
- Allows the chapter to show off its accomplishments to the local community and develop the skills to produce a professional report
- Share the chapters progress with OneShared.World, allowing us to compile and aggregate the progress made by chapters world-wide.
To accomplish this task, it is best to start planning early and make event-tracking a habit. By curating a report of your progress, you show off what you have accomplished to the world.
As the GYC grows, so too will the opportunity to connect with rising professionals around the world. Our group LinkedIn page will be the main staging branch for these connections, but the responsibility of fostering strong, cross-chapter connections falls to you. Reach out to both local and distant chapters to share ideas, collaborate on projects, or simply hold a conversation. This network can’t grow without your help, but with your creativity and energy, there are no limits to what we can accomplish.
OneShared.World supports multiple, large-scale campaigns aimed at making our vision a reality and helping those in need. While chapters are free to plan events as they choose, we ask that your chapter votes to focus on one of the active OneShared.World campaigns for the remaining duration of the academic period.
The GYC will have opportunities to participate in global summits, organized by OneShared.World and shaped by chapter input. These high-profile events, while offering new connections, profound learning, and professional value on their own, only touch the tip of the iceberg that is the OneShared.World community. Our movement includes a diverse coalition of industry leaders, high-level professionals, and change-makers who can offer their time, energy, advice, and connections — just make sure to reach out respectfully!
OneShared.World Global Youth Coalition
Launching the Chapter — Your First Academic Term
One Shared.World chapters play a critical and comprehensive role in achieving the vision of this global movement. Chapters educate their communities on the meaning of interdependence, train students to engage in local activism, amplify the OneShared.World voice for major campaigns, connect with other chapters and professionals from around the world, and collaborate with the countless other clubs, organizations, and community organizers fighting for a better future.
OneShared.World chapters are more than a group of people seeking to advance our awareness on a specific issue. Chapters are units that embody the value of interdependence in principle, action, and structure; seeking to integrate their local, regional, and global actors to form one cohesive system capable of providing for our common well-being.
To keep chapters organized and open to the vast array of possibilities, we optimize our actions into three tiers: Initiatives, Goals, and Priorities.
Initiatives are where chapters have the most creative agency in both planning and execution. All members should be encouraged to share ideas and passions, and to work together to find meaningful initiatives and projects they want to take on. This could be done in the form of programming that addresses specific local issues, writing a report on an essential topic, connecting with your regional leaders, and much more!
Goals are milestones that all chapters strive to hit. There is no expected timeline for them to be accomplished, but the chapters that reach them will receive a shout-out from OneShared.World directly. Chapters can also come up with their own goals—either for their group specifically, or to share with the entire GYC network. Our goals include:
- Achieving 100% student body signage of the Declaration of Interdependence
- Attaining a meeting with your institutions’ president
- Getting the President to sign the Declaration of Interdependence
- Getting the President to support the creation of an institutionally-supported curriculum on Interdependence
- Getting the President to add the language “the mutual responsibilities of interdependence” to the institution’s website
- Collaborate with 10 different organizations
- Collaborate with 20 different organizations, both on and off-campus
- Meet with your local leaders and get them to sign and share the Declaration of Interdependence
Priorities are the foundational tasks which drive the mission of OneShared.World forward. As described in the “Understanding the Mission” section, our priorities fall into three main categories: Education, Outreach, and Collaboration. Both priorities and goals are shared by all chapters, but priorities are time-sensitive. Here is the priority checklist for your first semester with the Global Youth Coalition:
Month 1
Host your first meeting [Pledge Party!]
- This first Pledge Party serves as a celebration to kickoff a chapter’s pledge campaign
- The final meeting of an academic term serves as a recognition and celebration of the hard work put in by the chapter throughout the campaign
Connect chapter members to the LinkedIn group
Month 2
Host an educational event.
Collaborate on an event with at least 1 other organization
Month 3
As a chapter, choose a campaign from OneShared.World to focus on for the remainder of the academic term. Consider programming, collaborations, and outreach opportunities to advance this campaign, and track your work!
- Find another OSW chapter focusing on your issue and reach out to them to collaborate
Compile your progress and publish your first report; share it widely with your institution, your social network, and the OSW Chapter Coordinators!
- These reports will be featured in a newsletter circulated throughout the GYC/OSW community.