We need a global OS upgrade
Leaps, June 7, 2023
OneShared.World Arts and Culture Ambassador Arturo O’Farrill Wins a Grammy!
OneShared.World Announcement, March 7, 2023
Does Our Global Operating System Need an Upgrade?
World Government Summit, Dubai, February 14, 2023
Alumni Spotlight: Shagun Sethi
The Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University
The Future, According to Jamie Metzl
Brunswick Review, April 5, 2022
The Metaverse Could Become an Oppressive Dystopia. It Needs a Congress.
Newsweek, March 23, 2022
Intergenerational U. student, alum effort lands language in U.N. resolution
Brown Daily Herald, January 26, 2022
Life: Coming to a Screen Near You
JamieMetzl.com blog, January 6, 2022
Global Youth Inspire UN General Assembly to Endorse a Plan Helping Those Most Vulnerable to Pandemic
OneShared.World Press Release, December 23, 2021
In a historic move, the United Nations General Assembly on December 16 passed Resolution 76/153 with language inspired by the work of high school and college students as well as recent university graduates across the globe. These young people, hailing from over forty countries, had collectively drafted a Model United Nations resolution outlining a specific plan for ensuring Clean Water, Basic Sanitation and Hygiene, and Essential Pandemic Protection (WASHPAP) for all by 2030, a new direction embraced by the UN General Assembly resolution…
Based on this work and outreach, leading negotiators within the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee invited OneShared.World to provide condensed language representing the longer youth resolution, to give a new direction to the official draft resolution on water and sanitation as human rights. Youth leaders who had played key roles in the organizing of the consultations and the drafting of the resolution were also invited to speak and present their work at UNGA-related events and in the media.
OneShared.World’s Peter Ullrich is panelist for U.N. WASH event
OneShared.World Announcement, November 23, 2021
It’s time for a “moo shot” to disrupt industrial animal agriculture
The Hill, October 20, 2021
Youth led movement reminds the world it must not lose momentum on achieving universal access to safe water, sanitation & pandemic protection
Doordarshan (DD India), October 5, 2021
Shagun Sethi on CNN International’s Newsroom about the Climate Crisis and Youth Action
CNN, September 30, 2021
Ground-Breaking Cross-India Consultations on Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Pandemic Protection for all to Fight COVID-19
OneShared.World Press Release, August 26, 2021
What Haiti needs now: Not all is lost if we engage the people
Daily News, July 24, 2021 | by Rick Barton, OneShared.World Senior Expert Advisory Committee Chair
Miraculous mRNA Vaccines are only the Beginning | Opinion
Newsweek, February 12, 2021 | by Jamie Metzl, OneShared.World Chair and Founder
Youth Leadership — Key to Global Pandemic Recovery
Medium, February 9, 2021 | by Rick Barton, OneShared.World Senior Expert Advisory Committee Chair, and Tarana Sable and Tianna Herman, OneShared.World Coordinators
Higher education should be the global voice of internationalisation
By Michael Kulma, OneShared.World Senior Advisor, University World News, December 12, 2020
India and OneShared.World Collaborate in Global Effort
Madhya Pradesh Times, November 28, 2020
Ground-breaking G20 Commitment to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for all to Fight COVID-19
OneShared.World press release, November 23, 2020
Ahead of Riyadh Summit, Indian G20 Sherpa Suresh Prabhu Commits to Fighting for the World’s Most Vulnerable Populations
OneShared.World press release, November 19, 2020
COVID-19: $2.50 a day will allow the world’s most vulnerable to move beyond the economic collapse
Medium, October 10, 2020
The United Nations has failed: Fixing the world is now up to all of us
The Hill, September 22, 2020
“Hope is Also Viral”: OneShared.World Summit Engages Over 1 Million Online, Calls for Global Framework of Interdependence to Tackle Severest Shared Challenges
OneShared.World press release, September 17, 2020
Dalai Lama, W.H.O. Chief Tedros Adhanom Headline Global Grassroots Movement to Fix the World’s Biggest Problems Amidst the Pandemic
OneShared.World press release, September 11, 2020
OneShared.World Calling for a New Global Framework to Address World Tragedies
cheddar, September 15, 2020
OneShared.World Seeks a New Global Operating System
Hadassah Magazine, September, 2020
The Future Youth Want: Interdependence, Cooperation and Friendship
OneShared.World Coordinators, July 30, 2020
Jamie Metzl on Global Interdependence
Infosys Knowledge Institute Podcast, July 28, 2020
When the System Fails: COVID-19 and the Costs of Global Dysfunction
Foreign Policy, July/August 2020
OneShared.World Stands Against Racism and Oppression
OneShared.World statement, June 16, 2020
Jewish Kansas City native sparks global social movement
Kansas City Jewish Chronicle, May 28, 2020
Zukunft der Welt hängt von uns allen ab – Corona liefert einmalige Chance
focus.de, May 21, 2020
El covid-19 ofrece la oportunidad de construir un mundo mejor. Debemos aprovecharla
CNN Español, May 19, 2020
Covid-19 offers a chance to build a better world. We must seize it.
CNN, May 17, 2020
What can you do to help global unity when it comes to COVID-19
WUSA9.com, May 11, 2020
Coming Together to Respond to the Pandemic
Bloomberg Businessweek Podcast, May 11, 2020
Jamie Metzl interview on Bloomberg radio
Bloomberg radio, May 8, 2020
Declaring Our World Broken, Citizens of 35 Countries Form Global Movement to Save Humanity Amid Pandemic
OneShared.World press release, May 6, 2020
Hacking The Coronavirus
Think Inc., April 26, 2020
Declaration of Global Interdependence
JamieMetzl.com, March 21, 2020
COVID-19 Virtual Summit – The Coronavirus Pandemic and the New Normal
Singularity University, March 17, 2020
No, the coronavirus pandemic wasn’t an ‘unforeseen problem’
Washington Post, March 17, 2020
Screw This Virus!
David Brooks Op-Ed, New York Times, March 17, 2020

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